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My Story
Gina Loves Oils and MORE
About Me
This part of my story begins on a random morning in 2014, lying in bed I wondered, “How did I get here? How in the world have I separated myself and my family so far from nature? Why does my life look like a TV commercial? Inside my pantry, my cabinets, my refrigerator, my house, MY HEART…it’s a corporate commercial fit for prime time. I have no IDEA what is IN anything. Everything is just there – but where is the intention in any of it?"
Well, I kind of knew the answer. Born in the 70’s we were quickly becoming a society of convenience and pre-packaged everything. We didn’t question or read labels, we enjoyed the cheap convenience. I grew up to work hard, eat fast-food, live, breathe, and generally do it all on the cheap.
Fast forward to December 2003. I find myself 6 months pregnant and in LABOR. NO! How could I be this sick? How could one pregnancy be so catastrophic? How would my little boy survive living outside the womb at only 26 weeks??? Well, survive he did – BUT the price was high. Hospitalizations for months, surgery after surgery, the constant threat of stopping breathing…for 5 LONG years, THIS became life. The new normal was not normal at all.
By the time my son began to stabilize at 5 years old, I then had to face myself. The toll this had taken on my body was extreme. I was mentally, spiritually, and physically exhausted. I had exchanged all of my son’s specialists, now for my own. I was UNWELL, to say the least. I felt hopeless and defeated. TIRED.But, then this surge of determination washed over me. An awakening. I realized that I spent 95% of my time at home – OUTSIDE of all the medical specialist whirlwind. What was “I” doing with that time? Wasn’t it ‘MY” responsibility to treat myself well? Wasn’t this still my life? With much prayer, suffering, and grace under my belt – I decided, YES, I will do what is within my control to bring PEACE and BALANCE to my life…to my son’s life…to my husband’s life --- regardless of circumstance.
And so the journey began – the pursuit of balance. The idea of living with intention. The knowledge that I need nature. The realization that what I do matters to my well-being. Yes, what I clean my house with MATTERS…what crosses my lips MATTERS…what is in my pantry MATTERS…what I put on my skin MATTERS. And with this newfound revelation, I sought tools to help me accomplish peace and balance. Yes, ESSENTIAL OILS, are a huge part of my living with intention. I use them for everything – and so does my son (and even my husband cannot deny their effectiveness)! What a pivotal role these bottles of goodness have played in this lifestyle.
Living with intention, the pursuit of peace, feeling joy, and being able to do this simply with a few good tools. I wish this for each of you and I hope we can walk this path together.Questions or Comments?
You will be contacted within 24 hours.
Gina Loves Oils and More © 2024
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